Show Support Pty Ltd is able to demonstrate an active, consultative commitment to all areas of health and safety management in the workplace.
1.1. Health and Safety Policy
Show Support Pty Ltd has developed and implemented a structured health and safety management system to meet its obligations and legislative requirements. This will also assist to achieve a consistently high standard of safety performance. Regular review of WHS at senior level reinforces its importance to Show Support Pty Ltdβs commercial objectives and legal obligations.
1.2. Policy Authorised by Senior Management
The Managing Director will formally sign and date the current written policy and display it in the designated areas. The Managing Director will formally approve the policy and procedures.
The Managing Director reviews the documented Health and Safety Policy every year.
1.3. Policy Incorporates Management Commitment to Comply with Relevant Legislation
Show Support Pty Ltdβs Health and Safety Policy will ensure compliance with legislative requirements and current industrial standards such as:
β’ The Statutory Health and Safety Acts.
β’ Various Codes of Practice.
β’ AS/NZS 4801 ~ Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems β General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques.
1.4. Policy Includes Management Responsibilities
Show Support Pty Ltd has delegated general and specific health and safety responsibilities applicable to the various management levels of the organisation. The responsibilities are assigned to the levels of management as shown below and are based on the referenced legislative standards.
Further individual responsibilities are contained in particular procedures and position descriptions. Every level participates in the establishment and maintenance of the WHS controls as well as assisting in WHS planning.
Show Support Pty Ltdβs WHS Policy is to inform workers and other interested parties that WHS is an integral part of its operations. All staff are actively involved in the review and continual improvement of WHS performance as this reinforces the companyβs objectives.
1.5. Consultation with Worker Representative
Show Support Pty Ltd is committed to consultation and co-operation between management and workers, to any change or input to the health and safety policy that will affect the workplace.
1.6. Reporting and Recording of Workplace Incidents and Injuries
Show Support Pty Ltd has a strict procedure for internal and external reporting and recording of work-related incident, injury, or illness.
1.7. Continuous Improvement in Health and Safety
Show Support Pty Ltd WHS process is subject to regular reviews when factors likely to affect the degree of risks from hazards or the context such as changes in the organisation, materials, work procedures, work location, processes or methods occur. There are legislative requirements related to the type or frequency of monitoring and review activities such as safety inspections and audits.
As time proceeds new information comes to light in terms of risk and therefore the WHS assessment needs to be repeated regularly. Repeating the assessment process with rigorous acceptability criteria also promotes continual improvement in managing WHS.
1.8. Managerβs Understand Health and Safety Management
Show Support Pty Ltd management team, are responsible for the development, promotion and implementation of WHS policies and procedures and therefore have a thorough understanding of the scope and structure of health and safety management. They are also responsible for communicating and training workers in all aspects of WHS management.
Various seminars, briefings, conferences and training sessions are attended as and when are necessary and available.
1.9. Management Support Early RTW of Injured Worker
Show Support Pty Ltd supports the early return to work (RTW) of injured workers provided this has been endorsed by a medical physician that the injured worker is capable of RTW. A RTW plan will be developed including suitable alternative duties, which will be identified after consultation with relevant parties and will be in writing. Appropriate assistance will be given to workers from a non-English speaking background and to those permanently unable to return to pre-injury duties.
General Duties:
Managing Director
- Formally approve the Work Health and Safety Policy.
- Assign custody to ensure procedure is maintained and updated.
- Formally approve the Work Health and Safety Procedures.
- Review overall organisational health and safety performance.
- Participate where required in the resolution of safety issues.
- Review serious injuries/incidents and monitor corrective actions.
- Review health and safety performance of middle management.
- Ensure organisational compliance with health and safety legislation.
Supervisors will
- Implement the WHS Policy, WHS Procedures and legislative requirements.
- Monitor health and safety performance within area of responsibility.
- Demonstrate commitment to health and safety through participation in formal and informal discussions, workplace visits and hazard inspections, etc.
- Participate, where required, in the resolution of safety issues.
- Investigate all injuries/incidents within area of responsibility.
- Ensure liaison with workers, particularly on any workplace changes which have a health and safety component.
- Initiate actions to improve health and safety within area of responsibility.
- Actively monitor the workplace to determine presence of hazards and take appropriate action to rectify any hazards found.
- Participate in consultation.
- Ensure all workers are inducted and receive regular training as required to perform jobs safely.
- Facilitate rehabilitation of injured workers.
Duty of Officers
If a person conducting a business or undertaking has a duty or obligation under the Act, an officer of the person conducting the business or undertaking must exercise due diligence to ensure that the person conducting the business or undertaking complies with that duty or obligation.
Duties of Workers and other persons at the workplace:
Workers will:
β’ take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and
β’ take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons; and
β’ comply, so far as the worker is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the person conducting the business or undertaking to allow the person to comply with this Act; and
β’ co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the person conducting the business or undertaking relating to health or safety at the workplace that has been notified to workers.
For example, taking “reasonable care” would be to wear plugs if you are working (on rare occasions) in a continuously noisy environment. In such circumstance. workers should purchase hearing protection ear plugs such as the below from Chemist Warehouse and wear them when required.
β’ take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and
β’ take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons; and
β’ comply, so far as the person is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the person conducting the business or undertaking to allow the person conducting the business or undertaking to comply with this Act.
Work Health & Safety Policy
Show Support Pty Ltd is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all of our workers. Show Support Pty Ltd further recognises its responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy work environment for contractors, clients, visitors and the public.
This policy covers all activities and persons working within any premises of Show Support Pty Ltd.
The objective of this policy is to ensure all workers are able to work in an environment which doesnβt cause harm to them and where they contribute to continuously improving work health and safety within the Show Support Pty Ltd business.
Show Support Pty Ltd provides, maintains and promotes a safe work environment and safety management system that is characterised by:
a systematic approach to identifying, assessing and controlling health and safety hazards and risks through the development and implementation of suitable procedures;
ensuring as far as practicable all operations conducted by workers are in accordance with relevant legislation and regulatory requirements and relevant industry standards;
effective management demonstrated by commitment and direct involvement at all levels of the company;
effective two-way communication as an integral part of every job;
the provision of appropriate facilities, equipment, education, training and supervision for workers to ensure healthy and safe working conditions and methods.
- Creating a safe work environment and care for the environment is the responsibility of all Show Support Pty Ltd workers.
- To achieve the stated policy objective, the commitment and contribution of each and every worker is required through:
- taking responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and their fellow workmates;
- not compromising personal health and safety in the mistaken belief that other requirements are more important;
- considering health and safety as an integral part of their work.
Show Support Pty Ltd Management are required to:
facilitate continuous improvement through periodic review of objectives and performance measures, systems, practices and procedures to ensure their continued effectiveness and relevance.