Show Support

Welcome to Show Support

Thank you for signing up with Show Support, it’s great having you part of the team! Our office is open with friendly operators available 24hrs a day

Contact us at 02 95562011 or 1300 973 106.

If you haven’t already you must complete the following:

Crew Details Form Tax File Number Declaration

Please click the above Crew Details Form and Tax File Number Declaration and fill in the details.

Once your forms are completed reply to this email with both Crew Details Form and Tax File Number Declaration attached to your email.


– Forms that are not clearly written will not be accepted.

– The deadline to submit the Crew Details Form and Tax File Number Declaration is by 17:00pm Mondays in order to make the following Pay Day on Wednesday.

Work Health and Safety

Show Support is committed to ensuring a safe work place for all employees. The safety of ALL crew onsite (no matter who they are working for) is the primary concern of all Show Supporters.

Any Crew Members who have safety concerns, no matter how small, should report them to their Crew Chiefs ASAP or Show Support Operations on 02 95562011 or 1300 973 016. All Crew Members can use the Incident Report Form ( anytime to report any incidents or near misses no matter how big or small.

Remember, no matter what your position within the organization, we are all responsible for our own safety, that of our co-workers and everyone on site.

Anyone who has a 1st Aid Certificate should let us know for our records, and any Crew Chief (or anyone who wants to become a Crew Chief) should go out and get their St Johns 1st Aid Certificate when possible.

Onsite Safety Inductions ( are mandatory on all shifts for all crew.

Show Support is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors and visitors. In fulfilling this obligation Show Support will consider occupational health and safety in all activities conducted at the workplace.


You will need to ensure you have black polo shirt, plain black work pants and black steel cap boots, shirts must be tucked in.

Please make yourself familiar with the Minimum Presentation Standards ( required for all Show Support personnel on all Shifts.All Show Supporters must arrive at work on each shift with at least one Shifting Spanner

Job Offers

Job offers will be sent to you as a SMS


”[372] Can you do Sat 09-04, 16:45pm-21:00pm G at SYDNEY? TDC. Reply 372y for YES, 372n for NO. V. Await Confirmation.”

β€œ372y for yesβ€œ


β€œ372n for noβ€œ

If confirmed for the job you will receive a response as follows

β€œConfirmed: G, Sat 09-04, 16:45am – 21:00pm(+3hrs), at XXXX XXXX”

If you do NOT receive a confirmation message you are NOT booked on the shift.

Texting in Times at the End of Your Shift
At the end of each shift you will need to text your hours worked through to the phone number that you receive SMS’s from.

0800 1300
If you worked straight through Breaks:
If you worked from 0800 till 1730 and had a half hour break at midday, your SMS should be sent in the following format: 
0800 1200 1230 1730
If you received two breaks, please SMS them in the same format. For example, if you started your shift at 0800 and finished at 2100, but you were given a 1hr break at 1200pm and another half hr break at 1800, then your SMS should look like this:
0800 1200 1300 1800 1830 2100
Please send your times in within an hour of finishing your shift.
You can also lock or check your times by logging onto your crew page as detailed below. It Is much easier to rectify mistakes and incorrect times at the time than after.

SHS Crew Page
As a Show Support Crew Member, you have access to the Show Support Personnel Manager Crew Support Page.

  1. Go to > Click Crew Login (You can save the Login page as a favourite or bookmark).
  2. Select User Type β€œCrew” and enter your mobile number as your username and as your password. Don’t put any spaces in your mobile number eg- 0412968418.

The Meaning of O-F-V-H in the Booking SMS
O – Outdoors. This means the shift will be outdoors and you should bring a hat, sunscreen, water, food, wet weather protection and warm clothes.
F – Factory. You will have to accompany the client back to the factory at the end of your shift to help them unload their vehicles and put all equipment away and you may be required to assist in job deprep.
V – Safety Vest. This means you must arrive to work wearing your SHS safety vest (if you do not have one, contact the office).
H – Hard Hat. This means you must bring a Hard Hat to work with you (if you do not have one, contact the office).

When you receive an SMS, either a Can you do? message or a Confirmed message, if there is a single letter at the end of the message such as O or F or even both such as OF, or even all four such as OFVH then it means you must be prepared for the circumstances outlined above. On your personal Crew Page you will find these details. These letters would also be in the β€œCan you do?” SMS and it will also be online. It is always advisable for all crew to always check online.

Upcoming Shifts
Once logged in, you will have access to your Upcoming Shifts, and you will be able to see who is on the shift with you, including mobile numbers, in case you would like to arrange travel to and from work together.



Click on Unavailability and enter the start time and date and end time and date and the reason.

If you are going away on holidays, or if you are booked for other work, the unavailability info will be helpful to SHS Operations. It stops offering you work when you are not available.

Pay History

You can also view your last 4 weeks’ Pay History.

Please check this every Monday morning and let us know if there are any mistakes. This enables us to easily rectify the problem for you. Also if we have made mistakes in your favour please let us know about them as well. Payroll runs on Wednesdays so please check your hours on the database by the latest by noon on Tuesday. In fact the more you check this, the better.

If you notice a discrepancy with your pay, you may discuss it with your local Ops Manager or email with any pay enquiries.

In addition to your Pay History (which shows how much you have earned gross) all crew should receive a pay slip every Thursday or Friday if they have worked the previous Pay Week (Monday to Sunday with pays going in the following Wednesday). If you do not receive a pay slip, chances are we do not have your correct address.

Please email immediately to advise us of your new address including your postcode. Also please notify admin if you change your bank account.

Corporate Environment
Many of our jobs take place in an extremely corporate environment. A lot of money has gone into these shows, they are generally on behalf of very large companies and are hosted in extremely exclusive locations such as five star hotels. It is extremely important to bear these things in mind when representing Show Support in the Corporate marketplace, especially when working with any of our regular clients.
Please remember the following points before arriving to work on a Show Support gig:

  1. Black Steel Caps (good condition)
  2. Black Steel Caps (good condition)
  3. Long Black Trousers (good condition)
  4. No Piercings (these must be removed before arriving onsite)
  5. Neat Hair (either cut short or tied back neatly)
  6. Clean, tucked in SHS Polo shirt
  7. Please look respectable.

Also, for any type of ‘Operating Job’, such as Audio Operator or Follow Spot Operator, you must wear Dress Blacks. This means good quality long assdsleeve black shirt and good quality black trousers and black shoes (steel capped). If you are in nice suit or good clothes which are not black, then you are out of uniform.

It is also of vital importance that crew always enter a venue via the staff entry and never use the main entry which is reserved for hotel guests. Always use the correct staff entry, sign in at security and then wait for your shift to commence in a back stage or back of house area out of sight of the function patrons or delegates. If you are in doubt as to how to enter a certain venue, please call the office during business hours for an explanation.

Please avoid doing the following:

  1. You are late (after actual start time)
  2. You are incorrectly attired
  3. You do not have at least a shifter and multitool such as a leatherman on you.
  4. You do not SMS your hours in the prescribed format within 1 hr of finishing your shift.
  5. You do not bring the appropriate PPE (Hard hats, steel caps, safety vests) to work.
  6. You fail to bring a large bottle of water, food, sunscreen, wet weather gear etc to work.
  7. You refuse to obey reasonable instructions from SHS senior crew onsite which have been conveyed to you in a calm, rational manner.
  8. You fail to accept a shift during a period in which you have not made yourself unavailable on the database.
  9. You display aggressive behaviour to a fellow crew member, client, or anyone on the worksite, or anyone on the way to or from work.
  10. You blow out a gig (not attend a shift you have been booked for). You will also be taken off all future jobs that you have booked with us until you contact the office and explain the situation.
  11. You are persistently late to work (two or more times in a month)

Show Support Pty Ltd
Phone: 02 9556 2011 | Fax: 02 9423 6998
PO Box 50, Bardwell Park
NSW 2207, Australia.